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Department of Education, Sports and Tourism of the Korelichi District Executive Committee 
Address: 231430, Grodnoregion, Korelichi town, 17th  September Square, 9
Phone: 8(01596) 2 18 82 (reception), 8(01596)22182 (Head of Department)
E-mail: korroo@tut.by
UNP: 500068535
Department head – Irina Ostashevich, ph.  

The system of education, sports and tourism of the Korelichi district is represented by 25 institutions:
Institutions of general secondary education: 
basic school

6 secondary schools

7 educational and pedagogical complexes, including:

Nursery-primaryschool - 1

Nursery -secondary school - 6
Pre-school education institutions: 
1 pre-school development center

5 nursery-gardens
Institutions of special education: 
Center for Correction and Development Training and Rehabilitation
Establishment of additional education for children and youth: 
Center for Creativity of Children and Youth
Socio-pedagogical institution: 
social and pedagogical center
Educational and sports institutions:
children's and youth sports school

sports club
Educational and recreational facilities: 
children's health camp "Vyaselka"

children's health camp "Forest Fairy Tale"
Establishment of vocational education:
"Mir State Art Vocational and Technical College" (http://www.mghptk.by)

"Korelichi State Construction Professional Lyceum" (https://gsplkorelichi.schools.by) 

© Korelichi Regional Executive Committee, 2024.